Monday, April 27, 2015

So...Hey?? or...welcome to the new journey

So, after almost 2.5 years of abandoning this blog I'm back.

But the reason I'm back isn't necessarily a good thing. I mean it is, I'm taking a step I need to take, but the journey here sucked.

I've gained about half the weight I lost back. Not all of it (thankfully) but from my lowest weight in 2012 to today, I've gained almost exactly half of what I worked so hard to lose.

In that same amount of time though, this has all happened:
  • I've had my heart three or four or twenty times (it's ridiculous, I know...)
  • I've changed jobs four times (this is NOT including part-time jobs I've had to take on from time to time). 
  • I've moved three times.
  • I've restarted graduate school (although I'm pretty sure I'm discontinuing after this semester).
  • My mother went through some crazy scary surgeries (she's doing better, though). 
  • I was mentally abused by a former boss (to be fair, I don't think he meant to gas light me, but it happened and it made me question my intelligence. A lot.)
  • I've had to deal with some financial issues. I'm doing okay, but I'm definitely not as comfortable as I was a couple years ago.
So...yeah...the fact that I haven't gained it all back is actually a NSV, as far as I'm concerned. And, realizing I NEED Weight Watchers meetings to battle this and to have some support is also a NSV.

Today was my first WW meeting in over three years. I loved it. I remember why I used to go immediately - the community and fellowship I get there I can't get anywhere else.  In my traditional fashion, I have elected to be completely honest about what I weight online. Mostly to help others, but also because I think not naming something or not acknowledging it actually gives it power, I will again be posting my weekly WI online. It keeps my accountable and forces me to be real with myself. it goes:

New, WW re-start weight: 193.2.


It's hard to do this, but it's a must...and, it's still a far cry from my highest weight ever: 231.2. At least I didn't weight (see what I did there? see? see?) to go back to meetings to when I'd regained it all plus 20 pounds. That's a victory.

First goal - lose 10 pounds or 5% of my weight. The go from there.

Weekly Non-scale goal: track. I have to get used to doing it again. Especially since I have a business trip coming up next week and I'll need to keep myself cognizant of all the banquet food that will inevitably be there.
Weekly Mental Health goal: chill and get some of my to-do list done so I feel a bit more in control of my life.

So tell me, what brings some of you back to journeys you thought you had finished?

1 comment:

  1. I swear we are kindred spirits! I literally said to Mark this weekend that I am going to bring my blog back to life. So happy we have another way to catch a glimpse of what life is like for each other :) I'm sorry you've been going through such a difficult time. I'm proud of you for taking back control over your life, though. I can't wait to come along for the ride! Miss you tons!!
