Saturday, November 3, 2012

WLJ Weekend Update: 11.3.12: Forgive yourself

Deciding to just run and forget about the haters was probably the best thing I could have done for myself.

Because, this week I ran 4 times. That's the most runs I done in a single week in over 6 months. I obviously loved it since by Friday I couldn't wait to get to the gym and zone out for 45 minutes.

I also did yoga and Pilates this week - which I think really helped me not get too sore from the sudden increase in my running. And, I know the yoga helped me sleep because, for the first time in weeks, I slept like a freaking baby every single night.

Awesomeness! I finally don't have to wear a ton of under eye concealer to look human!

I tracked - not perfectly, but much better than average. I focused on drinking water and staying hydrated. I went to bed a decent time. I checked in on family and friends out East to make sure they were okay during the hurricane (send prayers AND money. seriously guys). I read some. I let myself watch reruns of HIMYM and drank green tea. I relaxed for the first time in months.

And, most importantly, I made myself a priority again. I stopped hating myself. I was nice to myself.

I remember years ago when I first joined WW and still went to meetings, there was a woman who had been with the program for years and finally made her goal weight. She'd lost over 150 pounds! Our leader asked her what advice she'd give to anyone just starting or to anyone struggling during their weight loss journey.

The woman's advice? Forgive yourself.

She said that each of us is going to fail at something during this journey. None of us are going to be perfect. The difference between lifetime members and people who quit? The lifetime members shook off the failure, forgave themselves for whatever they did wrong, and moved forward. The quitters used the failure or mistake as an excuse to stop.

So, forgive yourselves. I know there are a few readers of mine who have struggled with their weights for years - and this is the best advice I can give them. I had to remember it myself, so I know it's hard. But, you must be nice to yourself, because it's really difficult to take care of a person you hate.


Forgiving myself for the last few months worked this week! Check out my stats - I'm down another 1.4 pounds!

Start Weight: 231.4
Current Weight: 147.4 (which was the goal I set last week)
Weight-loss to date: 84.0
Miles Completed: 15.58 (my goal was 14)
Goal for next Saturday: 146.0
Miles goal: 16

1 comment:

  1. Good work!! I'm so proud of you. :)

    I hope I'm living back in your area soon so we can run and yoga and pilates together.
