Monday, May 14, 2012

WLJ: 5.14.12

Well, my small gain last week seemed to correct itself this week...

Because I'm down 3.2 pounds! Yeah!

I didn't track as well as I had hoped, but I did do mindful eating. Just taking note of what I'm putting in my mouth seems to help me moderate my consumption.

I ran 21.46 miles and weight trained twice. It's been a long time since I've been able to write a sentence like that, and it feels fabulous.

I only had diet soda twice: first when I ordered in Chinese food on Monday and second when I had dinner with a friend in the City on Friday. I'm feeling pretty proud of that.

Also, if you look at the ticker at the top of this page, you'll see that I surpassed the 250 mile marker - that means I get to have a pedicure! I'm going just as soon as I get some coffee in me and figure out what the weather is doing.

The week emotionally wasn't super, but I got through it. I made a point during the stress to just focus on what I could control, and that's me. My surroundings, my health, my schoolwork, etc. I can't control the stupidity that's occurring over 1,000 miles away, so I might as well practice some serenity and let it go. It'll resolve itself one way or another, and I really don't have a say either way.

Goals for this week: run 20 miles, weight train twice, track 5/7 days, keep being zen, and do my best on the first half of my finals.

What are your goals for healthy and balanced living this week?


  1. What kind of weight training are you doing? I need to add more of that to my routine. I have some small hand weights, and I might pick up more equipment if I can settle on a decent workout.

    Congrats on all that running too. I need to hit the road.

    Are we going to do a race together while you're in Iowa this summer?

    1. I'm just using my 5 pound dumbbells to do some free weight exercises - check out my Fitocracy to see what I've been doing.

      As far as the run, maybe? Once I know more about where I'm going to work and what my schedule will be like, I'll let you know.

  2. I love how self aware you are... My goal ist to hit all 4 of my runs this week and at least 3 times next week shile I"m on the ship... we shall see how that goes.
