1.10.12 Stats:
Meds? yes.
Activity: 4.02 Mile Interval Run (6 P+), 10.2k steps (4 P+).
APs earned WTD: 34 P+
P+ consumed: 29 P+
Weekly P+ remaining: 0 P+
1.11.12 Stats:
Meds? yes.
Activity: 12.1k steps (5 P+).
APs earned WTD: 39 P+
P+ consumed: 32 P+ (swapped 3 AP)
Weekly P+ remaining: 0 P+
1.12.12 Stats:
Meds? yes.
Activity: 10.3k steps (4 P+).
APs earned WTD: 43 P+
P+ consumed: 29 P+
Weekly P+ remaining: 0 P+
Additional Thoughts: I forgot to blog the last few days, but I didn't forget to track! I've been busy packing and organizing so, blogging wasn't exactly at the front of my mind. I also went through my clothes and got rid of tons of things that are too big for me, which felt kind of awesome! Being smaller has some additional advantages too, like I have 3/4 of my wardrobe packed already and it all fits into a 25" suitcase, with some room to spare! That would never have happened 90 pounds ago,there was just too much fabric involved, lol!
And, this isn't including my shoes, of course ;)
First review for my new running tights is coming tonight. I think you may all re-evaluate your position on tight pants.
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