When I was a youngster and adults would ask me this question, my answer was surprisingly consistent: an artist (I also also said writer from time to time). Art (and reading/writing) for me was always my escape and endless hours of fun. Now, unlike a lot of kids who love the arts, I am not completely left-brained. I did very well in the sciences and math and history and all the other areas of study I had to take during school. So, when the guidance counsellor discovered the I wanted to go to school for something visual her response was, "But...you're acing college track math and science courses. Why would you waste that talent?" But, luckily, I have an incredibly encouraging mother who wanted me to follow my heart and thus I graduated from Iowa State University in 2006 with dual degrees in Art and Advertising (I had to get some communications and business in there too).
Fast forward 4 years, the recession hit and hit the creative professions hard...so, now I work in Finance. Now, don't get me wrong, I actually like my job (for the most part). I work with fantastic people, the pay is fair, and my benefits are very good. But, I still had a desire to use my creative side, or at least be involved in the Arts on a day to day basis. I still make things, but I've more or less decided that doing graphic design or advertising art for a living isn't really what I want to do either. I thought about going back to school to become an art teacher, but, to be honest, I like money and being a teacher doesn't pay the best. So...after googling and researching I found out about the profession of Arts Administration. It's perfect for me. It's part business, part teacher, part curator, and part historian. Seems broad, and it is, but I know exactly what I want to do.
As I previously stated, Art was always my escape. But, it was also my balance to the math and science I did so well in. I firmly believe (and there are studies that back up my claim) that my excellent report card was a direct result of my creative endeavors. Unfortunately, what is the first thing that schools cut if they are having money problems? The arts. This is a huge dis-service to the children, community, and future. So, I want to either work for and create a non-profit children's art center. Where children, no matter their families financial situation, can learn and show their art. I know its a crazy dream, but one I think needs to happen.
So...the next step is earning my Master's in Arts Administration. This means moving to the East Coast (yippee!) because there are only two AA programs in the Midwest and neither of them really align with my goals. So, with a hope and a prayer I'll be out East next fall. I'm working on it!
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