Well, I meant to post this about a month ago around my 28th birthday, but I've been busy knocking some things off on my list (you'll see what I mean).
My 28th year of life was a bit of roller-coaster for me, a lot of change and growing and excitement. So, going into my 29th year I'd like to keep the momentum going and create some goals for myself (both big and small) to accomplish before I go into my next decade of life. That's right - 30 goals in 24 months. Now, I had some stipulations before I made this list. First, no one could be hurt by what I was doing (including myself). Second, they had to be things I can control, no "fall in love" or "end world hunger", only things completely within my control that are measurable and attainable. So, without further ado, the list...
30 Before 30
1. Try Sushi (Done! and I liked it!)
2. Go completely vegetarian (working on it)
3. Sell an artwork
4. Reach and maintain my "happy" weight
5. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up (also done - post to follow)
6. Get a Dog - preferably a Puli
7. Live someplace that allows me to have a dog along with my two cats
8. Make and enter a miniature house in the Iowa State Fair
9. Learn to knit and then make something
10. Learn how to can tomatoes
11. Move to East Coast (working on!)
12. Visit West Coast
13. Visit Texas to see Courtney
14. Go to another country (even if it's just Canada)
15. Refinish the buffet in my office
16. Invent a cookie recipe
17. Ride in a Hot-Air balloon.
18. Learn to quilt
19. Run a 10k without walking any of it (in training)
20. Own a Marc Jacobs purse
21. Buy a pair of designer jeans and have them fit to me
22. Find a religion that speaks to me
23. Regularly practice said religion
24. Take a full week off work (for vacation - being sick doesn't count)
25. Find an inverted Yoga pose that I can hold for five minutes
26. Drink "Das Boot" all by myself (this may kill me, so I'll do it last)
27. Find a non-profit organization to become actively involved
28. Learn how to design a website
29. Simplify my life - get rid of anything that isn't beautiful, meaningful, or useful.
30. Find a way to make money off one of my creative hobbies.
So, there you have it! Lots of somethings to work on!
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