Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week off...or off week?

This is just a heads up...I purposely won't be blogging this week. I know I sometimes take time off from blogging accidentally, but this is on purpose.

What's the difference you ask?

Well, when I do it accidentally, I keep "blogging" on my to-do list and then get upset when I can't cross it off or it goes by the way-side. By taking the week off purposely, I'll get to focus on some school stuff and some things I need to get figured out before the end of the term.

Side note: I tracked 4 days this week (which is 4 more than I did the previous three weeks combined) - I'm marking it a win. I'm not weighing in tomorrow, again so I can focus on other things.

I will still track this week (goal of 5 days), but I'm not sure how active I'll be able to be. I've suddenly developed some weird heal pain and every time I try to run or walk fast sends shooting pains up the back of my leg to my knees. It's so bad that I almost fall over...any other runners have this? WTF is it? I'm supposed to run in a week in Central Park and I'm freaking out...ahhh! I'm hoping my week off doesn't turn into an "off week"!

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