Friday, April 13, 2012

This is not a blog post...

This is not a blog post about eating too much over the holiday weekend...

Nope (so there, Uncle Don).

This is not a blog post about how I didn't run/exercise for almost a week...


This is not a blog post about losing my FitBit somewhere in Grand Central Terminal...

Okay, that one still pisses me off.

Instead this post is celebrating my three year anniversary as a Weight Watcher! And the 90+ pounds I've lost during that time! I don't have the mental energy to write a full-on post today, but I do have pictures (albeit, not awesome in quality).  So...enjoy...I'll be writing actual posts this week (three to be exact).

The left is actually 15 pounds into my weight loss - the right is about a month ago.
The famous "Jared Photo"...those were the jeans I wore when I started WW, and they were tight! I keep them as a reminder of how far I've come on this journey.

Same jeans - but now both my legs fit in one side! I call this the mermaid shot.


  1. Look at you! I can't believe it. Way to go!! :) You look so fabulous. And I love that you can fit both your legs into one side of your jeans. This is the coolest thing ever.

    Also, I'm pissed about you leaving your fitbit somewhere. LAME.

    PS I re-signed-up for WW online. I canceled at the end of last month when my first few months was up, but I saw that Mark fell off the wagon and that another friend of mine was having issues, AND that I was sucking at not eating sugar again, so I signed up again.

    1. My fitbit fell off of me...I didn't even realize it was gone until I was technically out of NYC. It's actually the second one I've lost because it slipped off, there is a serious design flaw there.

      Good for you with the WW...while I say I'm trying to lose another 8 pounds or so, I've technically been a lifetime member since last May. Even if you don't really need to lose, it helps you keep yourself accountable.

  2. Also, I'm pretty sure I recognize you from college now. Possibly. :)

    1. I was wondering if you knew who I was! I hung out mostly with Niki, Brenton, Steph H., and Renita. I ran out of money though, so wasn't able to finish the GD program I worked so hard to get into...grrr...

  3. Amazing. You are my inspiration, Jaci. :)

  4. Umm what do I say? Wow! Good for you girl, you have the right attitude about the "diet" for sure, its not a short term thing its a life change. I'm hopeing my hubby figures this one out soon...
