Thursday, February 9, 2012

ch- ch- ch- changes...

What a difference a couple of weeks make...

Last you heard from me, I'd just arrived in Queens. Well, I'm still here, but now school has taken over my life. I'm making friends though (much faster than I anticipated, actually) and I'm staying active. My residence has a gym and I live right next to the campus gym, so I can literally exercise anytime I want.

Also, I walk A LOT here. There's only been a couple of days where I haven't hit my 10k mark, and that's been when I've pretty much locked myself in my room doing homework.

Anyways, I was actually moderately worried about gaining weight the last couple weeks because I've drank more than usual (not in excess, but even two a week is an increase for me) and we eat out pretty often. When we order take-out, I do try to get as many veggies as possible, and it must have helped...


I'm down! I officially lost 3.4 pounds since my last weigh-in for a new weight of 138.8, an all time lowest adult weight! Overall weight-loss 92.6 pounds!!!!

Okay, now for some administrative stuff.

First off, due to some religious changes I'm making in my life, I will no longer be able to weigh myself on Saturdays. I also need to be able to use my flex points on Fridays, so from now on my new WI day will be Thursdays. I haven't figured out what I'm going to call my new weigh-ins, so if any of you have suggestions please share.

Also, I officially joined the New York Road Runners and my goal is start running races once Spring arrives (March-ish?). From what I understand, there is a way for y'all to follow my races/times/etc on the NYRR website, but I haven't figured it out. My membership packet should arrive soon, so just as soon as it gets here I'll pass along more details.

Hmmmm...I can't think of anything else. Until next time...keep on running!


  1. Wow!! 3.4 lbs. is awesome. I love it when I'm prepared for the worst and get a surprisingly great result.

    Glad you're feeling good in your new place.
