Hey all! Thanks for checking out my blog! My goals for this blog is to record all my little projects. Some of them will be expected, like arts and crafts, while others will not be so expected, like the fact that I'm always working on getting my blood sugar under control. "Why?" you ask. Well, I just wanted to have a blog about stuff I love doing, reading, trying, making because I hope that maybe I can help someone else learn about something they may love to make, read, try or do. So...on to my first "something I'm working on": starting.
Starting something is always the hardest thing for me. I have no problem finishing things or even enjoying the process of something in the midst of doing it, but starting...ugh. I'm just not any good at it. And this is something I'm working on. It took me two years to start this blog for example. I seriously took me that long to motivate myself to start. So what is it about today that made me finally want to start it? I honestly have no good answer other than I'm finally ready (and maybe because its silly hot and I'd much rather sit on my computer than be outside). I have no idea if it will be any good or if anyone will even want to read it, but here goes. Perhaps that is part of why I put off starting things...I'm scared I will fail. But recently I've started to conquer this fear. I've started studying for my GRE, something I've been putting off because I was afraid I wouldn't remember anything; I've done a few art projects that I've had in my head for months (or even years) that I had put off because I was scared that they might be better in my head than in reality; and I've finally lived on my own (completely - no roomie) for over a year something I was scared I would never accomplish. Did they all turn out as well as I hoped or dreamed? No, but they sure as heck weren't as bad as I feared they would be and doing them has lead me to start "starting" more often and with less resistance. Isn't it crazy how that works?
Well, now that I'm done rambling, I wonder what else I could start tonight. Maybe laundry? Nah.
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